Our History
The People’s Justice Project, during the ‘hot phase’ of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2014 when African (black) people were engaged in spontaneous revolt over the countless assassinations of Eric Garner, Mike Brown, John Crawford, and Tamir Rice, created favorable conditions to accelerate the dynamics of political life for the African (black) working class. In analyzing the national conditions which gave birth to Black Lives Matter, the People’s Justice Project reinforced and insisted on building an organization to house the energy of the African masses in Ohio in a revolutionary trajectory. People’s Justice Project became a mass or popular political organization seeking to answer the ideological, philosophical and class question from the black revolution of the 60s. PJP is a political organization, that organizes the Black working class and other oppressed people leading the struggle against all state institutions that oppress or occupy our communities, whose survival has been assured time and again by linking our struggle to the struggle of the African working class and all oppressed people.
Short Term Mission
Specific issue victories and leadership development.
Train and Organize Leaders
Lead Direct Actions
Community Organizing
Civic Engagement
Engage a coalition of partner organizations
Mid-Term Mission
Enactment and implementation of legislative and/or administrative transformation and the ability to influence the public policy process.
Alternatives to Police Emergency Response
Ending Police Brutality
Ending Cash Bail
Long Term Mission
Transformational change reflected in the civic fabric of our state – demonstrating the values of equity and justice, advocating for healthier communities, specifically communities of color, in a holistic way of truly making our communities safe.

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